One Directory is a local business listing service that assists residents in locating businesses in your local area as well as supporting your local community. Our aim is to promote new and existing business to the residents of your community.

Each business has it’s own dedicated advert, we’ve made the process of searching easier and user friendly by offering numerous ways to find the perfect result. You can simply search by using Keywords, such as a business name or details about a business you’re looking for and the location such as the Village, Town, or City, in just one search. One Directory will lead you too your nearest available business. We feel this eliminates the very common obstacle of not locating some regional businesses on the larger and impersonal search sites.

One Directory gives relevant, up-to-date listings and information. Being an online listing service, we are able to keep the directory current and timely with offers for special promotions not found in the telephone directories. Information is always available, and, is easily accessible 24/7. One Directory hopes that our site encourages people from the local community to find the tradesmen, shops or businesses from your local area. Please forward this site to your friends for their reference and let us know if there is a business you would like to see listed. This website is new, decisive, thorough and more importantly, it will save you time and effort by offering you value for money throughout. It is directly designed just for you.

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